
Archive for January, 2010


Today Benjamin and I are FINALLY getting a couch. No more sinking uncomfortably into the depths of our lumpy maroon loveseat, no more cramped movie viewing with nowhere to rest our legs, today is the day and the couch I’ve had my eye on since we became engaged shall be mine! Hoorah!!

This is where all of you come in: I need help picking out a matching rug. Since the couch is adorned with a lovely pattern the appropriate rug is proving to be a challenge. I would rather pair it with something a little more daring, rather than your basic solid color, but need help with suggestions.

The couch: http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/S29841039

The pattern is: Hovby white/black (in case the link shows something different).

Responses that include links will win a prize! 🙂

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